Home / Humorous Animal Jokes / Humorous Pig Jokes

Humorous Pig Jokes

This is our collection of humorous jokes and funny stories about pigs.
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What do you call two pigs that write letters to each other?
Pen pals.

Why did the pig want to become an actor?
Because he was such a ham.

What does the little pig get every morning from it's parents?
Hogs and kisses.

What do you call a pig that is able to climb up the side of a tall building?

Where do hogs go when they need to get a loan?
To a piggy bank.

If your pig becomes ill how should you take it to the hospital?
In a Hambulance.

Why should you never tell a pig your secrets?
Because pigs are squeelers.

What is a pigs favorite ballet?
Swine Lake.

What did the farmer give his pig when it was feeling ill?

When you are at a party what type of pig should you try to avoid?
A wild bore. �

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