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Restaurant and Food Jokes - 4

This is page 4 of our collection of Restaurant and Food Jokes.

Customer: Waiter, what's your name?
Waiter: George, but everyone calls me pool cue. Customer: Why do they call you that?
Waiter: Because I work much better with a tip.

Waiter: But sir you asked me to bring you weak tea. Customer: Yes I asked for weak tea, but this stuff is not weak its helpless.

Angry Customer: You're not fit to serve a pig. Waiter: I'm doing my best sir.

Customer: Waiter, this chicken has no wishbone. Waiter: Well sir, he was such a happy and contented chicken he had nothing to wish for.

Waiter! There's a button in my salad. Sorry sir, it must have come off the salad dressing.

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?
Great food, but no atmosphere.

Waiter. Are you sure this ham is cured?
It tastes as if it's still sick.

Waiter. There's a hand in my soup. That's not your soup sir, it's the finger bowl.

This is page 4 of 4

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